Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Busy day shearing! All the sheep are now ready for summer!

The shearers sister Nancy has told me all about Halifax mill
 And how they will process small quantities of fleeces. So i am going to arrange to send a few of ours! I want it washed and carded into batts so i can spin it.

When we put Esme in the field, she insists of eating the trees on the way. She really is a big goat!

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Its been a lovely weekend the weather has been good and we have done so much gardening.

Mum has all the gowing under way and a fair amount has been planted out. 
Maurice has been sieving muck with me with it so well rotted its like compost. 

We have so many different beans, broad beans, french beans, patio beans, climbing beans and runner beans.

The potatoes are doing really well, Gareth keeps telling me off for watering them! Most of the onions and shallots are planted and seem to be doing well.

Dad and Maurice have finished the drains for the cutting room and Maurice has restored the ground level by rotevating and Gareth harrowing with the quad.

Busy day tomorrow the shearer is coming! We have our sheep and Nigels to have their hair done. What Am i going to do with all those lovely fleeces? Make time use my wheel and spin, spin, Spin!

A photo to finish, Tilly and her baby!